Friday, March 7, 2014

5 Things to Keep in Mind After a Fender-Bender

Nobody ever wants or expects them, but car accidents happen every day.  If you suddenly find yourself involved in a fender-bender, the stress of the situation can jumble your thoughts, making you more likely to forget some important steps.  Here are a few things to keep in mind right after a car accident.

-Make sure everyone is okay before you exchange contact and insurance information with the other motorist involved.

-Report the incident to your insurance company, even if you are at fault.

-Take pictures.  Not only will this proof help when sorting things out with an insurance company, but it could serve as useful if there happens to be a dispute about the situation.  Taking notes is a good idea, too.

-Be careful who you talk to.  If you are contacted by the other motorist’s insurance company, it is best to direct them to your insurance company instead of speaking for yourself.  Sensitive situations like car accidents are best left to professionals!

-If there is a dispute with your insurance company, get an attorney.

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