Friday, April 11, 2014

Annoying driving habits: You might be your own worst enemy!

Think of the worst driver you know.  What is it exactly that makes them “bad” at driving?  This recent survey shows that sometimes what’s annoying actually IS unsafe!  Are you guilty of any of these?
The most annoying driving habits are:
  1. Following others too closely: 14 percent
  2. Driving too fast: 13 percent
  3. Driving too slowly: 10 percent
  4. Cutting off other drivers: 8 percent
  5. Talking on cellphone while driving: 7 percent
  6. Merging too slowly onto the highway: 6 percent
  7. Getting lost: 6 percent
  8. Taking inconvenient and/or long routes: 6 percent
  9. Fiddling with radio/CD player: 6 percent
  10. Failing to stay in their lane: 6 percent
  11. Not signaling: 5 percent
  12. Taking turns sharply: 5 percent
  13. Looking at passengers while talking: 4 percent
  14. Braking at green lights: 4 percent

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